Mario De Brabandere at Kristof De Clercq Gallery
On Sunday 29 September 2019, a third solo exhibition by Mario De Brabandere (1963, Tielt), entitled WITHOUT TITLE (FOR CONSTANTIN), is opening at Kristof De Clercq Gallery. De Brabandere is showing all new work in a pure composition that emanates both serenity and power. At first sight, the paintings in the exhibit seem to consist only of smooth surfaces and shapes. But the attentive viewer who takes a closer look will discover incredible richness: the skin of the wooden panel (recovered and repaired by the artist) becomes tangible, the paint is applied in many layers but looks almost transparent, the pencil lines and unworked areas show the early beginnings. Here and there you can see an abstract reference to Brancusi, the Constantin in the title. Everything is in its right place, the accuracy is palpable.
According to Mario De Brabandere, the material he picks and prepares as the medium of his composition is doing half the work. He is very concerned with the particularities of the wood and the paper, and with the prior function or the history of the carrier. It is the material itself that makes De Brabandere want to create. The artist is a devout believer in the power of his intuition: the thinking never gets in his way.
Mario De Brabandere has always been an artist’s artist. For more than 35 years, he has been working on an impressive and extensive oeuvre that mainly contains drawings, paintings, and wall installations. In De Brabandere’s universe, art equals spontaneous and continual creation of new combinations of form, colour and composition, which have become increasingly abstract in recent years. His work has been gaining interest thanks to solo presentations at international art fairs, several participations in the Biennal of Painting, and a first individual museum exhibition (Roger Raveel Museum).
Mario De Brabandere
29 September - 3 November 2019
Kristof De Clercq Gallery